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Pilns ieraksts

Formāta izvēle: Standarta Norāde MARC formāts
Elektr. resursi    E-grāmata. (PDF). 
{Resurss pieejams tiešsaistē LU tīklā, pieslēdzoties ar LUIS lietotājvārdu un paroli}
ISBN   9789400705852 (PDF)
Autors   LinkPiazza, Roberto
Oriģinālnosaukums   Materia dei sogni. Angļu valodā.
Nosaukums   Soft matter : the stuff that dreams are made of / Roberto Piazza.
Izdošanas ziņas   Dordrecht, Netherlands ;New York : Copernicus Books, 2011.
Fiziskais rakst.   1 tiešsaistes resurss (xiv, 279 lpp. : ilustrācijas).
Piezīme   Ietver rādītāju.
  Originally published in Italian as: La materia dei sogni : sbirciatina su un mondo di cose soffici (lettore compreso). Milano : Springer, 2010.
Saturs   Saturs: 1. Overture: A special day -- 2. A life in suspense : A big cast of little characters ; When it pays to be superficial ; Colloidal Waterage, an award-winning firm ; Rock and roll in suspense ; Osmosis, the breath of a dispersed world ; Colloidal Lego, matter made to measure ; Softness without limit: fractal aggregates ; Concrete: united by charge ; Particles spreading waves: colloidal light and colors ; A very particular particulate ink ; Flying colloids: deceptive beauty of the aerosols -- 3. Freedom in chains : Long and disordered queues ; A tale of cross-links and double-crosses ; Necklaces for all tastes ; Plastics: false solids with a biddable disposition ; Snake dance ; Entropy: disorder or freedom? ; Elastic by chance ; The secret of Mr. Fantastic ; Panta rei ; Nightmares for Indiana Jones ; Charged polymers: polyelectrolytes -- 4. Double-faced Janus molecules : Striding on water: the physics of Jesus bugs ; Surfactants, a split personality ; Soap bubbles: a paradise for kids and math nerds ; Micelles: when surfactants find peace ; As white as can be: the science of cleaning ; A large and varied family ; Questions of shape ; A mischievous break: watch the label! ; Small but mighty emulsions ; Black gold -- 5. Nanoarchitecture : Kepler, Bernal, and your greengrocer ; Colloidal crystals: ordered by entropy ; Glasses and gels: when hate and love yield similar results ; The world is not (just) a ball ; Sandcastles and shifting sands -- 6. Dreamtime : Concludo, ergo sum ; Proteins, a matter of mollecular origami ; Little chemists ; Truck drivers and intelligence ; Freemen of Flatland ; Yard workers ; Body builders ; A (protein-rich) lunch break ; Artificial respiration ; The Chieftain and his Shaman ; Back to the future -- 7. Weird words: soft matter from A to Z -- Index of common things (or almost so).
Priekšmets   LinkMateriāli
  LinkKondensētas vielas
Priekšmets (forma)   LinkElektroniskās grāmatas.
Priekšmets   LinkSoft condensed matter.
UDK   Link620.2 (0.034)
  Link620.3 (0.034)
Monogr. ier. nr.   000955542

Formāta izvēle: Standarta Norāde MARC formāts

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