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Pilns ieraksts

Formāta izvēle: Standarta Norāde MARC formāts
ISBN   9780199924585 (brošēts)
Autors   LinkBeauchamp, Tom L., 1939-
Nosaukums   Principles of Biomedical Ethics / Tom L. Beauchamp, James F. Childress.
Izdevums   Seventh edition.
Izdošanas ziņas   New York : Oxford University Press, 2013.
Autorties.datēj.   ©2013
Fiziskais rakst.   xvi, 459 lpp. ; 24 cm.
Bibliogrāfija   Ietver bibliogrāfiju un rādītāju.
Saturs   Saturs: Part I. Moral foundations. Moral norms. Normative and nonnormative ethics ; The common morality as universal morality ; Particular moralities as nonuniversal ; Moral dilemmas ; A framework of moral norms ; Conflicting moral norms -- Moral character. The concept of moral virtue ; Virtues in professional roles ; The virtue of caring ; Five focal virtues ; Moral ideals ; Moral excellence -- Moral status. The problem of moral status ; Theories of moral status ; From theories to practical guidelines ; The moral significance of moral status ; Vulnerable populations and vulnerable individuals -- Part II. Moral principles. Respect for autonomy. The concept of autonomy and the principle of respect for autonomy ; The capacity for autonomous choice ; The meaning and justification of informed consent ; Disclosure ; Understanding ; Voluntariness -- Nonmaleficence. The concept of nonmaleficence and the principle of nonmaleficence ; Distinctions and rules governing nontreatment ; Optional treatments and obligatory treatments ; Killing and letting die ; The justification of intentionally arranged deaths ; Protecting incompetent patients -- Beneficence. The concept of beneficence and principles of beneficence ; Obligatory beneficence and ideal beneficence.
  Saturs: Paternalism : conflicts between beneficence and respect for autonomy ; Balancing benefits, costs, and risks ; The value and quality of life -- Justice. The concept of justice and principles of justice ; Traditional theories of justice ; Recent theories of justice ; Fair opportunity and unfair discrimination ; Vulnerability, exploitation, and discrimination in research ; National health policy and the right to health care ; Global health policy and the right to health ; Allocating, setting priorities, and rationing -- Professional-patient relationships. Veracity ; Privacy ; Confidentiality ; Fidelity ; Clinical ethics and research ethics ; The dual roles of clinician and investigator -- Part III. Theory and method. Moral theories. Criteria for assessing moral theories ; Utilitarian theory ; Kantian theory ; Rights theory ; Virtue theory ; Convergence of theories -- Method and moral justification. Justification in ethics ; Top-down models : theory and application ; Bottom-up models : cases and analogical reasoning ; Reflective equilibrium as an integrated model ; Common-morality theory ; Conclusion.
Papildapraksts   LinkChildress, James F.
UDK   Link614.253
Monogr. ier. nr.   000895129
Visi eksemplāri   Visi eksemplāri
Eks. pa filiālēm   RSU:Brīvpieejas abonementsLibrary Info
Eks. pa filiālēm   RSU:Inf.Centrs-J.Asara ielaLibrary Info
Eks. pa filiālēm   RSU:Informācijas centrsLibrary Info

Formāta izvēle: Standarta Norāde MARC formāts

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