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Pilns ieraksts

Formāta izvēle: Standarta Norāde MARC formāts
ISBN   9780674047761 (iesiets)
Autors   LinkJudson, Pieter M., 1956-
Nosaukums   The Habsburg empire : a new history / Pieter M. Judson.
Izdošanas ziņas   Cambridge, Massachusetts ;London, England : The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2016.
Fiziskais rakst.   xiii, 567 lpp. : ilustrācijas, kartes ; 25 cm
Bibliogrāfija   Bibliogrāfija piezīmēs un rādītājs: 549.-567. lpp.
Saturs   Saturs: The accidental empire -- Servants and citizens, empire and fatherland, 1780-1815 -- An empire of contradictions, 1815-1848 -- Whose empire? the revolutions of 1848-1849 -- The emergence of a liberal empire -- Culture wars and wars for culture -- Everyday empire, our empire, 1880-1914 -- War and radical state building, 1914-1925.
Kopsavilkums   "Moving beyond older approaches to the history of the Habsburgs in Central Europe in which nations are the main actors and nationalist conflict the inevitable moving force in the monarchy’s trajectory, Pieter Judson offers an alternate narrative framework for the history of Habsburg Central Europe from the eighteenth century to the demise of the empire in World War I. He investigates how shared imperial institutions, administrative practices, and cultural programs helped to shape local society in every region of the empire. He shows how all of these elements gave imperial citizens fundamentally common experiences that crossed linguistic, confessional, and regional divides--experiences that even shaped nationalists’ understandings of nationhood. And he traces what happened to the common or shared elements of imperial practice when the Habsburg monarchy formally ceased to exist in 1918."--Sniedz izdevējs.
Persona-priekšmets   LinkHābsburgu dinastija.
Priekšmets   LinkNacionālisms -- Centrāleiropa -- Vēsture.
  LinkImperiālisms -- Sociālie aspekti -- Centrāleiropa -- Vēsture.
UDK   Link94 (4-191.2)
Monogr. ier. nr.   000841808
Visi eksemplāri   Visi eksemplāri
Eks. pa filiālēm   LNB:Soc.& Hum.zinātņu las.Library Info

Formāta izvēle: Standarta Norāde MARC formāts

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