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Pilns ieraksts

Formāta izvēle: Standarta Norāde MARC formāts
ISBN   9780415892599 (iesiets)
  9780415892605 (brošēts)
Nosaukums   The handbook of communication history / edited by Peter Simonson ... [et al.].
Izdošanas ziņas   New York, NY : Routledge, 2013.
Fiziskais rakst.   xvi, 511 lpp. : ilustrācijas ; 27 cm.
Sērija   Link( International Communication Association (ICA) handbook series)
Bibliogrāfija   Ietver bibliogrāfiju un rādītāju.
Saturs   Saturs: The history of communication history / Peter Simonson, Janice Peck, Robert T. Craig, and John P. Jackson, Jr. Media / David Crowley and Paul Heyer. Communication research / Jefferson D. Pooley and David W. Park. Audiences: publics, crowds, mass / Richard Butsch. Rhetoric in cross-cultural perspectives / C. Jan Swearingen. Conversation / Peter Burke. Visual communication / Michael Griffin. Communication in music / Christian Kaden. Print culture / Ronald J. Zboray and Mary Saracino Zboray. Journalism / John Nerone. Telecommunications / Gabriele Balbi. Radio broadcasting / Christopher H. Sterling. Television / Andreas Fickers. New media / Benjamin Peters and Rasmus Kleis Nielsen. The City / Juraj Kittler. Science communication / Joan Leach. Politics / Josef Seethaler. Labor / Nathan Godfried. War / Mette Mortensen. Gender and media: a very short herstory / Karen Ross. Race / Murali Balaji and Letrell D. Crittenden. Organizing / Karen Lee Ashcraft and Pushkala Prasad. Rhetoric in Latin America / Susan Romano. "Cultural imperialism" revisited: broadcasting in Latin America, India, and China / John Sinclair. Communication in colonial and post-colonial Southern Africa / Donal P. McCracken and Ruth E. Teer-Tomaselli. Islam, mediation, and technology / Nabil Echchaibi. Jewish media and communication in the modern age / Gideon Kouts. East Asian communication studies / Guo-Ming Chen, Akira Miyahara, and Min-Sun Kim. Epilogue: the futures of communication / Lucien Sfez.
Piezīme   Resurss pieejams arī tiešsaistē.
Papildapraksts   LinkSimonson, Peter, 1962-
Priekšmets   LinkKomunikācijas vēsture
Priekšmets (forma)   LinkUzziņu līdzekļi.
UDK   Link316.77 (091) (035)
Monogr. ier. nr.   000765846
Visi eksemplāri   Visi eksemplāri
Eks. pa filiālēm   LNB:Soc.& Hum.zinātņu las.Library Info
Eks. pa filiālēm   LUB:Sociālo zin. fak. bibl.Library Info

Formāta izvēle: Standarta Norāde MARC formāts

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