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Pilns ieraksts

Formāta izvēle: Standarta Norāde MARC formāts
ISBN   9780195336931 (hardback)
Nosaukums   The Oxford handbook of late antiquity / edited by Scott F. Johnson.
Cits nosaukums   Handbook of late antiquity
Izdošanas ziņas   Oxford ;New York : Oxford University Press, c2012.
Fiziskais rakst.   xli, 1247 lpp., [8] lpp. iel. : il. (arī krās.), kartes ; 26 cm.
Sērija   Link( Oxford handbooks)
Piezīme   Sērijas nosaukums no apvāka atloka.
Bibliogrāfija   Ietver bibliogrāfiju (nodaļu beigās) un rādītāju.
Saturs   Saturs: Introduction : late antique conceptions of late antiquity / Hervé Inglebert -- The western kingdoms / Michael Kulikowski -- Barbarians : problems and approaches / Michael Maas -- The Balkans / Craig H. Caldwell III -- Armenia / Tim Greenwood -- Central Asia and the silk road / Étienne de la Vaissière -- Syriac and the Syrians / Philip Wood -- Egypt / Arietta Papaconstantinou -- The Coptic tradition / Anne Boud’hors -- Ethiopia and Arabia / Christian Julien Robin -- Latin poetry / Scott McGill -- Greek poetry / Gianfranco Agosti -- Historiography / Brian Croke -- Hellenism and its discontents / Aaron Johnson -- Education : speaking, thinking, and socializing / Edward Watts -- Monasticism and the philosophical heritage / Samuel Rubenson -- Physics and metaphysics / Gregory Smith -- Travel, cartography, and cosmology / Scott F. Johnson -- Economic trajectories / Jairus Banaji -- Agriculture and other rural matters / Cam Grey -- Marriage and family / Kyle Harper -- Health, disease, and hospitals : the case of the sacred house / Peregrine Horden, Royal Holloway -- Concepts of citizenship / Ralph Mathisen -- Justice and equality / Kevin Uhalde -- Roman law and legal culture / Jill Harries -- Communication : use and reuse / Andrew Gillett.
  Saturs: Paganism and Christianization / Jaclyn Maxwell -- Episcopal leadership / David M. Gwynn, Royal Holloway -- Theological argumentation : the case of forgery / Susan Wessel -- Sacred space and visual art / Ann Marie Yasin -- Object relations : theorizing the late antique viewer / Glenn Peers -- From Nisibis to Xian : the church of the east across Sasanian Persia / Joel Walker -- Early Islam as a late antique religion / Robert Hoyland -- Muhammad and the Quran / Stephen J. Shoemaker -- Comparative state formation : the later Roman Empire in the wider world / John Haldon -- Late antiquity in Byzantium / Petre Guran -- Late antiquity and the Italian Renaissance / Christopher Celenza.
Papildapraksts   LinkJohnson, Scott Fitzgerald, 1976-
Priekšmets   LinkSengrieķu un romiešu civilizācija
  LinkViduslaiku kultūras vēsture
Priekšmets   LinkRoma -- Kultūras vēsture.
  LinkBizantija -- Kultūras vēsture -- 527-1081.
UDK   Link930.85 (3)
Monogr. ier. nr.   000625466
Visi eksemplāri   Visi eksemplāri
Eks. pa filiālēm   LNB:Soc.& Hum.zinātņu las.Library Info

Formāta izvēle: Standarta Norāde MARC formāts

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