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Pilns ieraksts

Formāta izvēle: Standarta Norāde MARC formāts
Elektr. resursi    Table of contents only 
ISBN   9780415965200 (hardback)
  0415965209 (hardback)
  9780415965217 (pbk.)
  0415965217 (pbk.)
  9780203892596 (e-book)
  0203892593 (e-book)
Nosaukums   The university and its disciplines : teaching and learning within and beyond disciplinary boundaries / edited by Carolin Kreber.
Izdošanas ziņas   New York : Routledge, 2009.
Fiziskais rakst.   xxiii, 246 lpp. : il., sh., tab. ; 26 cm.
Bibliogrāfija   Ietver bibliogrāfiju (nodaļu beigās) un rādītāju ([238].-246. lpp.).
Saturs   Saturs: Supporting student learning in the context of diversity, complexity and uncertainty / Carolin Kreber -- The modern research university and its disciplines : the interplay between contextual and context-transcendent influences on teaching / Carolin Kreber -- The commons : disciplinary and interdisciplinary encounters / Janet Gail Donald -- Academic disciplines : homes or barricades? / Gary Poole -- Hard and soft : a useful way of thinking about disciplines? Reflections from engineering education on disciplinary identities / Robert G.S. Matthew and Jane Pritchard -- Ways of thinking and practicing in biology and history : disciplinary aspects of teaching and learning environments / Dai Hounsell and Charles Anderson -- Exploring disciplinarity in academic development : do "ways of thinking and practicing" help faculty to think about learning and teaching? / Nicola Reimann -- Opening history’s "black boxes" : decoding the disciplinary unconscious of historians / David Pace -- Guiding students into a discipline : the significance of the teacher / Andy Northedge and Jan McArthur -- Diverse student voices within disciplinary discourses / Jan McArthur -- Guiding students into a discipline : the significance of the student’s view / Lewis Elton -- Educating students for self-authorship : learning partnerships to achieve complex outcomes / Marcia B. Baxter Magolda -- Supporting student development in and beyond the disciplines : the role of the curriculum / Alan Jenkins -- Constraints to implementing learning partnership models and self-authorship in the arts and humanities / Vicky Gunn -- Beyond epistemological essentialism : academic tribes in the twenty-first century / Paul Trowler -- Exploring teaching and learning regimes in higher education settings / Joëlle Fanghanel --
  Saturs: Teaching and learning regimes from within : significant networks as a locus for the social construction of teaching and learning / Torgny Roxå and Katarina Mårtensson -- Assessment for career and citizenship / Mantz Yorke -- Teaching within and beyond the disciplines : the challenge for faculty / Velda McCune.
Papildapraksts   LinkKreber, Carolin
Priekšmets   LinkAugstskolu studiju programmas
  LinkAugstskolas pedagoģija
  LinkAugstākās izglītības mērķi un uzdevumi
UDK   Link378.14
Monogr. ier. nr.   000551986
Visi eksemplāri   Visi eksemplāri
Eks. pa filiālēm   LUB:Izgl.zin.-psihol. bibl.Library Info

Formāta izvēle: Standarta Norāde MARC formāts

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