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Results for W-LLUFB datums= 202408*; Sorted by: Year, then Title
Sort options: Author, YearYear, AuthorAuthor, TitleTitle, Year Year, Title
Records 1 - 3 of 3 (maximum display and sort is 1000 records)  
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Author Title Year Sublibrary
Reidzāne, Sanita,1973- 2024 LBTU:Lending Dept.
NLL:Central close stock
LU AB:Misins library
Reidzāne, Sanita,1973- 2024 LBTU:Reading Room
LU AB:Misins library
Empowering consumers: educated choices.Latviešu valodā. 2007 LBTU:Lending Dept.
LBTU:Reading Room
NLL:Central close stock
LU AB:Repository
LU AB:Misins library
LUL:Libr. of Education

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