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Common Command Language Search
Type command language phrase
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Language: Year from: Year to: yyyy (Use ? for truncation when not using from/to)

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Search hints:

Hint Following are the most common abbreviations used by the ALEPH command language. For a complete list, see Search in the Help.

AUT - Author
AUK - Author (collect.)
TIT - Title
AUZ - Sci. supervisor
AKO - Advisor
ARO - Opponent/Reviewer
WYR - Year
WRD - Word
WAU - Words in author field
WAUK - Words in collect. author field
WTI - Words in title field
WVK - Words in supervisor/advisor fields
WRO - Words in opponent/reviewer field
WSU - Words in subject field
WNOZ - Words in science field

Hint Lowercase letters will find matches of capitalized words also. For example, computer will find matches for computer, Computer and COMPUTER.

Hint Boolean AND is assumed between words. You may use the Boolean operators AND, OR and NOT in your search string. For example, you could type heart or cardiac to retrieve all records having heart or cardiac in them.

Hint Use the ? character to find matches that contain portions of words. For example, gun? will retrieve gun, guns, gunners, gunnery, gunning, etc. In another example, ? ology will retrieve anthropology, archaeology, psychology, etc. The ? character may also be used to find variant spellings. For example, alumi?m will find both the American spelling, aluminum, and the British spelling, aluminium.